Fact Or Fiction?
Before I start my article, I would just like to inform you that my website surviving-a-breakup.com has tons of articles very similar to this one. So, if you read this one, enjoy it, and want more useful information, definitely check it out. There are a lot of people who believe in absolutely ridiculous claims about relationships. Living a more luxurious lifestyle can have its benefits, but so can living a poor one. There is no perfect criteria to automatically deciding whether your relationship is going to last until the day you die or not. Though, there are important, proven, and needed attributes that must be applied in your relationship in order for it to last. Scientist have been conducting research for hundreds of years, and a lot of the same myths back then are still believed today.
Here's a list of a few false myths that people still believe to be true nowadays.

Here's a list of a few false myths that people still believe to be true nowadays.

- "If I were rich, I would never have any problems with my relationship."
- "If I was sexier, they would never want to leave me."
- "If our relationship was more peaceful, it would definitely last."
- "There's a right and wrong way to a relationship."
A lot of those statements above will help increase stability to your relationship, but they will definitely not guarantee that your relationship is going to work. Any relationship is going to be a continual ongoing battle. Life's tough. It's just that simple. Anything worthwhile isn't going to be easy. You may be wondering how that list could possibly be nothing but myths. Let me break them down.
Having money can help you purchase materialistic things, but it won't buy you a package of emotions. The way someone feels, is the way someone feels. There is no buying that. You can temporarily buy new things for someone to please them, but in the long run, it's not going to seal the deal for your relationship. In fact, some of the least satisfying relationships over a long lasting period of time have been involved with people who were financially successful. Having riches doesn't not ensure that your partner isn't going to break up with you!
Probably one of the most typical myths is that if you looked better you would never have any relationship problems. Having beauty and being physically attractive is wonderful. It still doesn't have much of any relevance as to whether or not your relationship is going to last. One of the most amazing quotes I have ever come up with in my life is actually involving this statement. My quote is directed to those who are self centered when it comes to their physical beauty. "You know, one day, we're all going to be old and wrinkled." With that alone being said, you're going to have to learn to love someone for who they are. No one's going to be model material forever.
Having peace in your relationship, and knowing what to do and what not to do is extremely important. Again though, it doesn't guarantee that your relationship is going to last forever. One of the most important things to understand about a relationship is that there is no equation or algorithm to a perfect relationship. There is no exact right or wrong way for a relationship to run its course. The way you would want someone to treat you in a relationship is the way you should be treating your partner. Dish out what you want to come back to you.
I've pointed out some of the myths among common relationships above. Nobody wants to get cheated on, separated, or have to deal with a relationship that's on its brinks. I'm going to create a list of five of the most important factors in order to have a successful long lasting relationship. Apply these to your current relationship and change your everyday habits if any of them will be standing in the way with my following list. Life is a habit, and if your habits aren't healthy, they can be in the way of being a part of a successful relationship. I'm going to put them in order. With number one being the most important.
1. Trust - A very broad term to most, but the very meaning of it overlooked everyday. Being able to trust your partner with everything inside of you is by far the most important thing in your relationship. Because without trust, ultimately, your relationship will fail. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
2. Communication - Your partner in life should be your best friend. A person that you're always wanting to share your life with. If you're holding anything in or keeping any kind of secrets from your partner, there's going to be a huge problem in the future. Being open and being able to tell your partner everything and anything is a necessity. If there's even one thing you can't tell your partner, you need to reexamine your current relationship.
3. Dependability - This can be tied to number one and two. Your partner needs to be able to feel that no matter what the situation might be, you're still going to be there. Whether it be a physical or emotional situation, your partner needs to come to you when they need someone to rely on. They shouldn't be going to anyone else before you. They should automatically know that you're there and willing to do whatever it takes to help improve whatever the situation may be.
4. Selflessness - This should be applied not only to your relationship, but with everyone in your life. Helping, loving, sharing, caring, and being there for one another is important. With your partner, you should never think of yourself before them. You should always put your partner as your number one priority in life. Making a habit of putting their happiness before yours will have amazing results.
5. Adventure - I could definitely of used a different word for number five, but I do believe this is important as well. A lot of people end up feeling more of an obligation to their relationship. It's important to keep the romance, fun, and creativity most people have when they first get together. Traveling, exploring new activities, and setting challenges for you and your partner can definitely help avoid that obligation people end up feeling. Attend to your responsibilities, but never forget that it's still very important to do the things you love together. Take time off and relax with your partner from time to time.
If you're serious about your relationship, then do what you have to do in order to keep it healthy. When a relationship starts, no one thinks that they're going to end up breaking up. Don't worry about what society projects and expects out of a quote on quote "functioning relationship". Apply my key factors into your relationship and change your everyday habits that aren't healthy. If you do, you should never have to worry about a break up ever again. We all have flaws. We're to live, learn, and then correct what we need to in order to achieve whatever our goal is. Loving your partner more than yourself is one of the hardest things to do, but one of the most important. Make your relationship one of those very few that last forever. Be yourself, and treat everyday as if it's your last.
Check out my website surviving-a-breakup.com for more.
Having peace in your relationship, and knowing what to do and what not to do is extremely important. Again though, it doesn't guarantee that your relationship is going to last forever. One of the most important things to understand about a relationship is that there is no equation or algorithm to a perfect relationship. There is no exact right or wrong way for a relationship to run its course. The way you would want someone to treat you in a relationship is the way you should be treating your partner. Dish out what you want to come back to you.
5 musts in order to avoid a break up
I've pointed out some of the myths among common relationships above. Nobody wants to get cheated on, separated, or have to deal with a relationship that's on its brinks. I'm going to create a list of five of the most important factors in order to have a successful long lasting relationship. Apply these to your current relationship and change your everyday habits if any of them will be standing in the way with my following list. Life is a habit, and if your habits aren't healthy, they can be in the way of being a part of a successful relationship. I'm going to put them in order. With number one being the most important.
1. Trust - A very broad term to most, but the very meaning of it overlooked everyday. Being able to trust your partner with everything inside of you is by far the most important thing in your relationship. Because without trust, ultimately, your relationship will fail. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
2. Communication - Your partner in life should be your best friend. A person that you're always wanting to share your life with. If you're holding anything in or keeping any kind of secrets from your partner, there's going to be a huge problem in the future. Being open and being able to tell your partner everything and anything is a necessity. If there's even one thing you can't tell your partner, you need to reexamine your current relationship.
3. Dependability - This can be tied to number one and two. Your partner needs to be able to feel that no matter what the situation might be, you're still going to be there. Whether it be a physical or emotional situation, your partner needs to come to you when they need someone to rely on. They shouldn't be going to anyone else before you. They should automatically know that you're there and willing to do whatever it takes to help improve whatever the situation may be.
4. Selflessness - This should be applied not only to your relationship, but with everyone in your life. Helping, loving, sharing, caring, and being there for one another is important. With your partner, you should never think of yourself before them. You should always put your partner as your number one priority in life. Making a habit of putting their happiness before yours will have amazing results.
5. Adventure - I could definitely of used a different word for number five, but I do believe this is important as well. A lot of people end up feeling more of an obligation to their relationship. It's important to keep the romance, fun, and creativity most people have when they first get together. Traveling, exploring new activities, and setting challenges for you and your partner can definitely help avoid that obligation people end up feeling. Attend to your responsibilities, but never forget that it's still very important to do the things you love together. Take time off and relax with your partner from time to time.
If you're serious about your relationship, then do what you have to do in order to keep it healthy. When a relationship starts, no one thinks that they're going to end up breaking up. Don't worry about what society projects and expects out of a quote on quote "functioning relationship". Apply my key factors into your relationship and change your everyday habits that aren't healthy. If you do, you should never have to worry about a break up ever again. We all have flaws. We're to live, learn, and then correct what we need to in order to achieve whatever our goal is. Loving your partner more than yourself is one of the hardest things to do, but one of the most important. Make your relationship one of those very few that last forever. Be yourself, and treat everyday as if it's your last.
Check out my website surviving-a-breakup.com for more.